Beginning September 1st, Optometrists across Ontario will stop providing OHIP insured eye exams for children, seniors and adults with OHIP covered eye conditions.
For over 30 years, successive Ontario governments have ignored Optometrists. In 1989 the fee paid for an OHIP insured eye exam was $39.15, today, over 32 years later, it is on average $44.65. This has not kept up with inflation and does not come close to covering the cost. Every time we perform an OHIP insured eye exam we do so at a loss. This is not sustainable.

Our fees would have to increase by over 60% to reach the next lowest province. The bar graph here compares Ontario to other provinces that fully fund eye care.
You may have read the government has offered us an 8.48% increase in our fees. For a senior’s eye exam that would raise our fee to $51.00. While that seems generous, it still leaves us more than 30% lower than Manitoba, the next lowest paid province, while Ontario having one of the highest costs of living in Canada. Unfortunately, an 8.48% increase does not make up for 32 years of neglect. We need the government to prioritize and properly fund eye care to make it sustainable for years to come.
How can you help?
Please understand that we want this issue resolved permanently so that we can continue to provide the same high level of care that we’ve always provided for your eyes and vision.
We ask that you please treat our staff with kindness and understanding during this time.
Dr. Anukool Chadda,
Dr. Kevin Ahokas,
Dr. Eric Barry,
Dr. Janet Schenk,
Dr. Paul Zaugg
[Optometrists at Mountain Eye Care]