Computer Vision Syndrome


The golden era of business has long since passed. The shuffle and bussell of papers being distributed to disseminate information across a company is dead. With the advancement of technology, computers, email, video chat, and virtual workspaces. The amount of time we spend staring at a screen has seen a significant increase over the past decade. With screens on our phones, tv’s, computers, cars, and billboards, our eyes are under constant attack. Issues that arise in one’s eyes from having too much screen time on the computer is known as Computer vision syndrome.

A common question is how do computers affect your vision? With a regular factory set computer your eyes repeatedly unfocus and refocus along the same line of sight. Your eyes fall into a repeated unnatural motion as you’re scrolling up and down. Reading articles or checking out your social media account. With the introduction of Gifs and automated video play different lights and flashes have an effect on your eyes whether you know it or not. Also, most people forget to blink, due to the constant shifting of our eyes. This causes eyes to dry out and begin to blur.

If your worried about potentially having computer vision syndrome here are some common symptoms to keep an eye out for:

  1. Avoid eye strain. When eyes strain the muscles can experience fatigue, soreness, pain, burning, possible tingling sensation.
  2. Blurred vision is also a symptom of strain and can cause double vision.
  3. With the consistent shifting of focus leads to dry eyes. Which leads to irritability and redness.
  4. Bank, neck and shoulder pain are another thing to pay attention to. Being that our ocular muscles and nerves wire into the brain and neck means pain in your eyes can lead to pain in your body.

Another aspect to look into when trying to be mindful of your eye health is your environment. Are you in a well naturally lit room? Poor lighting can lead to enhanced strain on your eyes. Lighting is key, too much artificial light or too little light can be detrimental to eye health. Glare and reflections are a major trigger when it comes to computer eye syndrome. Taking time to go through your computer’s visual settings, you can adjust the brightness, the tint and even color and font size to help reduce strain on your ocular muscles.

Some of the most common denominators the people with computer eye syndrome share are :

  1. Spending a high amount of hours on a digital device or screen.
  2. Sitting too close to the digital screen
  3. Have pre-existing eye conditions
  4. Not mindful of blinking
  5. Screens set to wrong angles and distances.

If you feel like this may be an issue with you, and you live in the Hamilton area in Ontario Canada check out Mountain Eye Care. located on upper wellington street Mountain Eye Care has the best service in town. Schedule an appointment with them today.