Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have 20/20 vision?

Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have 20/20 vision?

Reading glasses work wonders for people with presbyopia, a refractive error common to aging eyes. You can get them with or without an eye prescription, and they function by magnifying your near vision so that it’s easier to read and examine objects close to your face. Many people wonder if it is bad to wear reading glasses when you have 20/20 vision. At Mountain Eye Care, we don’t just provide our valued clients with high-end vision care and products, but we also provide the public with plenty of information about vision health. In this article, we share some information about if it is bad to wear reading glasses when you already have 20/20 vision. 

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Does your eyesight worsen when you wear glasses?

The decision to wear glasses is up to you. If your eyes feel fine, and your vision is sufficient without them, they might be unnecessary. However, know that glasses can improve your eyesight while you’re wearing them, as long as you get the correct prescription. The moment you take them off, any vision loss symptoms you had before may come back. Wearing glasses with 20/20 vision will not harm your eyesight. 

Is it bad to wear glasses for reading with 20/20 vision? 

Generally, strained eyes with near vision are associated with farsightedness. However, you might have similar symptoms just by observing something up close for too long. For this reason, reading glasses may come in handy. So, is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision? No, wearing reading glasses shouldn’t hurt your eyes, even if you don’t have any problems with your eyesight. However, if you’re not used to the magnification level, it can take time for you to adjust. 

In summary: reading glasses are safe to wear with 20/20 vision 

Reading glasses are beneficial for presbyopic people, as they can make it more comfortable for you to see things at close range. But what if you don’t have presbyopia or problems seeing things up close? Is it bad to wear reading glasses when you have perfect vision?  No, wearing reading glasses shouldn’t hurt your eyes, no matter your level of visual acuity. You might want to wear them to make it a little easier to see text, especially if you do a lot of near vision tasks.

If you are looking for more information about reading glasses and if they are safe to wear with 20/20 vision, then we encourage you to get in touch with a Mountian Eye Care representative today. 

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